Monitors, Pvc Piping, LED grow lights, Lettuce, Basil, Radish and Plasterboard (2018)

Vast arrays of seemingly simple organisms that are complex on the inside.
Enormous cities are all independent, but support each other through a vast network of interactions.
Sustainable factories producing food, low resources, low waste, only producing what they need.
The waste is utilised and recycled for the foundations of these cities.
These cities are radiant.
Highly intellectual in ways we cant comprehend, brains don’t matter here, enviromental feelings and instincts activate growth.
Collaboration is essential, collaboration is instinctual.
How can we learn from these symbiotic models?

Mesocosm looks at how we could interrupt pre existing plumbing systems to create a network of independent organisms that live alongside each other. Mesocosm questions the interactions in ecosystems that are being effected by ‘Hyperobjects’ like global warming and looks at how survival might look in the future, by using pre-existing models as a starting point to developing new ideas.

All Images, Installation view of MESOCOSM, 2018. The Trophy Room. Photo: © Alexander J.Croft
Supported by Nottingham Trent University